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     Happy Friday!!  :O)   Today, Mr.K passed around a copy of the Gateway Practice Essay.  We discussed more about Gateway and essay-writing, and then we created a "flow chart" of the parts of our essay.  We then connected the documents in the essay question to the different parts of the flow chart.  You can see the topic and flow chart below...

     After the flow chart, we wrote our thesis statements for our essays and turned these in to Mr.Kameika.  If you were absent, please see the essay topic above and create a thesis statement to turn in on Monday. 

     Scroll down to "Wednesday - February 24, 2010" and read what Mr.K posted about Napoleon, titled: "What do I basically need to know about Napoleon?"  To better write your essay on Monday, you should be familiar with what Napoleon did for France.


     Hello people!  Today we simply went over the Gateway Scoring Rubric and our Gateway Sample Question for our upcoming Gateway essay on the French Revolution.  Tomorrow we will work on the structure of the essays and writing thesis statements in pairs.


     Hey guys!  Today we:

          - Discussed the rubric for the Gateway writing test.
          - Finished writing our Napoleon "poetry."
          - Wrote our poetry on the board and discussed Napoleon's legacies.

     What do I basically need to know about Napoleon?

          - After the French Revolution, France's new republic had a weak & fragile government.  After going through many serious changes, the new French government was eventually taken over in a coup (pronounced "KOO" ...meaning "to take by force") by France's hero general, Napoleon Bonaparte. 

          - Napoleon eventually made himself emperor of France and placed his relatives in charge of other countries that he conquered, like Spain.  While emperor, Napoleon created a new set of strict laws in France to maintain order and improve the economy.  This was called the Napoleonic Code, and is still in use in France today. 

          - Napoleon dreamed of conquering the world, and spreading some of the new ideas of the French Revolution.  Unfortunately, Napoleon's power grew too strong and he was defeated by the Russians, and then later the British at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.  He was sent as a prisoner to the island of St. Helena where he died 6 years later under mysterious circumstances. 

          - Napoleon left France with a new set of laws (the Napoleonic Code), forced order in France out of the chaos of the revolution and "Reign of Terror," and imposed revolutionary ideas in many of the countries that he conquered.


     Hey guys ;o)  Today we began to answer the Essential Question:  How did Napoleon change Europe?  To do this, we...

     1)  Listened to Mr.K tell a brief story about Napoleon's life.
     2)  Read portions of Napoleon's life/career from the text.
     3)  Summarized our portions of the chapter using rhyme.

     If you were ABSENT:  3rd, 4th, & 5th periods took the QUIZ on the Haitian Revolution.  1st & 6th periods took this yesterday (Monday).


     Hello you guys!  Today we finished answering the Essential Question:  What were the causes & results of the Haitian Revolution?  To do this we...

          1 - Looked again at the slides from last Friday (Haiti's history)

          2 - Watched a video of a TV evangelist saying that Haitians "made a pact with the Devil" during their revolution.

          3 - Listened to the story of Haiti's "pact with the Devil" - the story of Voodoo high priest, Dutty Boukman's religious ceremony that started the Haitian Revolution.

          4 - Took a short quiz on the Haitian Revolution.

*Some people/terms to remember!
     - Toussaint L'Ouverture - The "George Washington" of Haiti... he started the revolution that freed Haiti from France.
     - Bourgeois - (pronounced "boor-JWA") people from the lower classes that are "movin' on up."  They often help start the revolutions, like in France and Haiti.
     - Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizens - France's "Bill of Rights" created after the French Revolution.  The French then shared this with the Haitians after the Haitian Revolution.


     Hey people!  Today we answered the Essential QuestionWhat were the causes & results of the Haitian Revolution?

     To do this, we looked at a slideshow depicting Haiti's history from French colonization, through its revolution, and to modern-day Haiti.  You can find all the slides below to see for yourself. 

   Instructions were:

     1)  Number your paper 1-11.
     2)  Look at each slide for 2 minutes, max.
     3)  Write what you think the slide is telling you in 2 sentences or less.


     Hello guys :o)  Today we finished answering the Essential QuestionWhat were the causes & results of the French Revolution? 

     Below you will find a C.I.R.C. chart depicting the causes + results, and you will also find a picture/video of Marie Antoinette, France's infamous "big spender" queen, "Madame Deficit." 

     (Click here to see video of France's "Madame Deficit," Marie Antoinette's last moments)

     We watched a couple of other videos, especially one about the "REIGN OF TERROR," which swept France during the revolution, where many people were executed by having their heads removed in the Guillotine (pronounced "GIH-yoo-teen").  Also, we analyzed some political cartoons, like the one below, which depicts how Americans viewed the French Revolution -- essentially as a "takeover" by wild peasants.  See if you can find other hidden clues in the cartoon showing what Americans thought of France's revolution.


     Hey guys!  Today, the Essential Question was:  What were the causes + results of the French Revolution?

     We discussed a few things today relating to France's Revolution, which took place in 1788-1789.  We discussed "Lady Liberty" and her "wardrobe malfunction," how much many French people love Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and "death by Guillotine" (pronounced "GIH-yoo-teen").

     We discussed several reasons for the French to be angry, particularly the 97% of French people living in mostly terrible poverty.  The French social structure was called the "3 Estates" and the French people were represented in the Estates-General (like their Congress or Parliament) as shown in the image below.  (Note:  if you were a French citizen of the 3rd Estate, what would you think about how many representatives you had in the Estates-General as compared to the other Estates?)

     Some other causes of the French Revolution were related to the prices of bread, high taxes, and the anger the French poor felt towards their royalty, especially, Queen Marie Antoinette... or as they called her, "Madame Deficit."  When bread prices rose so much (80% of people's income, as shown below), the women of Paris stormed the palace at Versailles, looking for Marie Antoinette, whom they viewed as a symbol of the reason for their suffering.

     Tomorrow, we will continue with the results of the French Revolution and learn about the Haitian Revolution, as well.


     Hello people!  Today we started out by critically discussing an article about a Ku Klux Klan rally happening this weekend in Georgia.  After the American Revolution, our Bill of Rights guarantees "freedom of speech," allowing such events to occur. 

     After this, we finished working on our American Revolution FLIPBOOKS to answer the question, "What were the causes & results of the American Revolution?"  

     If you did not finish the flipbook, or if you were ABSENT, please finish this tonight and turn it in tomorrow :o)  

   ...Below you will find the events and their descriptions to help you!

(click image to enlarge)


     Hey guys!  Today we went back over the causes & results of the American Revolution (remember, the revolution that freed our country, the United States, from England).  After discussing together each of the events (listed below), we watched a video clip from some events during the revolution. 

Then we began to work on a "flipbook" of the events.  Inside the flipbook, the left pages will all contain the events and a brief description of them, while on the right pages, we will draw a visual example of the event.  Tomorrow we will finish the flipbooks in class.

American Revolution causes + events:

  1.    French & Indian War
  2.    Stamp Act
  3.    Taxation without representation
  4.    Boston Tea Party
  5.    Declaration of Independence
  6.    George Washington
  7.    Checks & Balances
  8.    Federal System
  9.    Bill of Rights


Death by Guillotine :o)
(pronounced "GIH-yoo-teen")

    Today we watched a movie from the History Channel on the French Revolution (click here to start watching).  Mr. K was out today at a conference, so the assignment was to watch the movie and make 2 lists:

     1)  List anything that would have made French people MAD.
     2)  List anything you recognized + any questions you had.

Grades were also posted today for everyone to see.    *Remember that if you have ZEROS, to stay for tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday (until 2:30pm) to make up missing assignments.  ENJOY THE SNOW!!

Marie Antoinette


     Hello guys!  Today we began our lesson on the American Revolution.  The Essential Question is:  What were the causes and results of the American Revolution?

To accomplish this, we will create a "flipbook" (next Monday) on the causes & results of America's Revolutionary War.  Today, we started this project by answering the following questions about the cause/result events of the war (which can ALL be found in the textbook on pages 641-645 ...or online)...

  - French & Indian War - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Stamp Act - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Taxation without representation - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Boston Tea Party - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Declaration of Independence - What did it do?
  - George Washington - What did he do for the revolution?
  - Checks & Balances (Republic) - What does it mean?
  - Federal System - How does it work?
  - Bill of Rights - What did do?

Were you ABSENT TODAY?? 
Answer the above questions and either turn them in tomorrow or email them to me tonight.  If you do not have a textbook, you can find all of these online.  Email me if you have questions!

Tomorrow, Mr. Kameika will be out of school at a conference.  The sub, Mr. Aytch, will have a movie for you guys to watch on the French Revolution.  Please be prepared to watch the movie and answer questions pertaining to it.  Have a good night!  :o)


I am not finished grading the quizzes - they will be finished by FRIDAY :O)
Sorry for any inconvenience :o(


   Quiz today on Absolutism, the Scientific Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, and England's Glorious Revolution. 

Students who finished early got started on reading/notes for tomorrow's lesson on the American Revolution.  Students were instructed to quietly read pp. 640-641 of the textbook and list as many causes they could find for the revolution.  These would be things that would have made American colonists very angry at their British colonizers.

You may take the quiz any day/time before or after school within the next 5 school days.  This means that you can take the quiz anyday between now and next Wednesday.  After that, you will not be able to make it up.   :o)


     Hey guys :o)  You will find the study guide for tomorrow's quiz at the end of today's blog.
Today we started by organizing the pieces of England's "Glorious Revolution" into the C.I.R.C. chart on the board.  You guys did great and you had never even learned about the English Revolution before!  After that, we learned about each piece of the revolution from the PowerPoint presentation. 

Essential QuestionWhat were the causes & effects of the Glorious Revolution in England?

Tricky Vocabulary:

   * Monarchy - a royal government (kings, queens, emperors, etc)
   * Parliament - like our Congress (or Senate), a Parliament is chosen by the people.  However, the Parliament then chooses the president/king/etc.  The people don't vote for this person directly.
   * Persecution - to hurt or falsely accuse
   * Democracy - a government that is chosen by the people and represents the people


     Today we finished learning about the Age of Enlightenment by doing an poster activity on the floor.  On these posters, we first categorized events from the movie Antz under the following headings:   (C.I.R.C.)

     1)  CONFORMITY  (people are unhappy with their situation, but either don't realize it or just accept it as "normal")
     2)  IDEAS  (new ideas, philosophies)
     3)  REVOLUTION  (people decide they want to change their country/society/etc)
     4)  CHANGE  (Things that change AFTER a revolution)

We then categorized events in World History under each of these headings and next to the Antz movie lists. 
The charts ended up looking something like what is below:

At the end of class, we worked on an assignment comparing the social & political ideas of the 3 following philosophers:  John Locke, Rousseau, and Voltaire.  To do this, we completed a worksheet interpreting a political quote and social quote from each of the 3 men (worksheet below).

HOMEWORKIf you did not finish the "Enlightenment Philosophers" worksheet, please finish it tonight and bring it to school tomorrow.  Have a good night!


    Antz movie:  Today we finished Antz and took our second quiz relating to the movie.  Monday we will discuss some of those "hidden" ideas in the movie and continue with our unit on the Age of Enlightenment and then our unit on Revolutions.

If you were absent -- Today's quiz questions were:

     1)  Who does Z try to kidnap and take hostage?
     2)  Z is searching for "_______-opia."
     3)  On what did Z and Princess Bala get stuck during their journey?
     4)  True/False:  The ants have a hard time accepting new ideas & individualism.
     5)  At the end, did the ants have a revolution, or did the colony stay exactly the same?

* You can find the beginning of today's portion of Antz by clicking here.

When you come in on Monday, be sure to check the board for your new updated grades!


    Antz movie - We decided that in order to better understand the Age of Enlightenment, it would be better to abandon our previous "advertisement" project about the 4 philosophes and start fresh.  Antz has quite a few "hidden messages" in it that have a lot to do with what we're learning in this unit (and later in the semester, also.)  Next week we'll talk about these "hidden messages" and be able to better understand the topics we are learning about. 
Today we watched the first half of the movie and took a short quiz on it ...tomorrow we'll watch the rest and have another short quiz.

Today's Antz quiz questions:

     1)  What type of insect is this movie about?
     2)  What is the main character's name?
     3)  What is the main character's occupation/job?
     4)  Do the inhabitants of the colony freely choose their jobs/occupations?
     5)  Who do you think is really in charge of the colony:  the queen or General Mandible?

* If you were absent today... you can start watching Antz on YouTube by clicking here.

WEDNESDAY - February 3, 2010

Today we learned about some of the political and social views of following Enlightenment-era Philosophes:  Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire.  Most classes made it to the computer lab to create "advertisements" in which students attempted to "persuade" people to "join" the Enlightenment.


Today, we continued with the "Age of Enlightenment" and learned about the "Sacred Circle" (old ways), the "Public Sphere," the philosophes and their salon meetings, and the 5 beliefs of Enlightenment philosophes: 
   1)  Reason ~ Truth can be found through reason
   2)  Nature ~ What is natural is good and reasonable
   3)  Happiness ~ We can find happiness in this life
   4)  Progress ~ People and society can improve
   5)  Liberty ~ The law should protect us

We also watched a video clip from the movie Amadeus about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  The clip showed us a glimpse of the lives of "enlightened" people during the Age of Enlightenment, as well as their tastes in music. 


At the end of class, instructions were given out for tomorrow's "mini-project," which is an "advertisement" students will create to "persuade" people to join the Enlightenment.  The Essential Question is:  "What were the political and social views of the following Enlightenment thinkers:  Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau?"


Beginning of "Age of Enlightenment" (Substitute teacher - Ms. Leigh)

Assignment for today:
- Vocabulary:  Scientific Revolution, geocentric theory, heliocentric theory, Enlightenment, social contract, John Locke, philosophe, Voltaire, Rousseau, Mary Wollstonecraft, baroque, neoclassical, Enlightened Despot.

For each vocabulary term, choose 2 of the 3 following options :
     1) Define in your own words.
     2) Write a creative sentence.
     3) Draw a picture.

- Then, do textbook p. 634 - #3, 4, 7.



     Scientific Revolution Cartoon

Click image below to enlarge instructions.  If you do not have a textbook, you can look all the answers up online.  Remember to email me if you have ANY questions!  I'm here to help you  :o)



     Tokugawa Japan Questions

Click images below to enlarge and print assignment. This assignment DOES NOT require the textbook -- ALL ANSWERS are found on pages 3-4.  Remember to email me if you have ANY questions! I'm here to help you :o)



     Japan Vocabulary Warm-Up + Notes

Vocabulary in notes:  Define/write sentence using/draw picture of the following terms (if you do not have a textbook at home, you can look all of these up online.)

   - daimyo
   - shogun
   - samurai
   - kabuki
   - feudalism (in Japan)
   - bushido


 FRIDAY - JANUARY 22, 2010

     Comparison Chart:  Louis XIV vs. Peter the Great (click on image below to enlarge and print assignment)



     Exploration Essay  (click on image below to enlarge and print assignment)



    Parents/Guardians:  Please read over and sign syllabus, then have student return to Mr. Kameika.  Thank you!!