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     Today we finished learning about the Age of Enlightenment by doing an poster activity on the floor.  On these posters, we first categorized events from the movie Antz under the following headings:   (C.I.R.C.)

     1)  CONFORMITY  (people are unhappy with their situation, but either don't realize it or just accept it as "normal")
     2)  IDEAS  (new ideas, philosophies)
     3)  REVOLUTION  (people decide they want to change their country/society/etc)
     4)  CHANGE  (Things that change AFTER a revolution)

We then categorized events in World History under each of these headings and next to the Antz movie lists. 
The charts ended up looking something like what is below:

At the end of class, we worked on an assignment comparing the social & political ideas of the 3 following philosophers:  John Locke, Rousseau, and Voltaire.  To do this, we completed a worksheet interpreting a political quote and social quote from each of the 3 men (worksheet below).

HOMEWORKIf you did not finish the "Enlightenment Philosophers" worksheet, please finish it tonight and bring it to school tomorrow.  Have a good night!