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    Antz movie - We decided that in order to better understand the Age of Enlightenment, it would be better to abandon our previous "advertisement" project about the 4 philosophes and start fresh.  Antz has quite a few "hidden messages" in it that have a lot to do with what we're learning in this unit (and later in the semester, also.)  Next week we'll talk about these "hidden messages" and be able to better understand the topics we are learning about. 
Today we watched the first half of the movie and took a short quiz on it ...tomorrow we'll watch the rest and have another short quiz.

Today's Antz quiz questions:

     1)  What type of insect is this movie about?
     2)  What is the main character's name?
     3)  What is the main character's occupation/job?
     4)  Do the inhabitants of the colony freely choose their jobs/occupations?
     5)  Who do you think is really in charge of the colony:  the queen or General Mandible?

* If you were absent today... you can start watching Antz on YouTube by clicking here.