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Today, we continued with the "Age of Enlightenment" and learned about the "Sacred Circle" (old ways), the "Public Sphere," the philosophes and their salon meetings, and the 5 beliefs of Enlightenment philosophes: 
   1)  Reason ~ Truth can be found through reason
   2)  Nature ~ What is natural is good and reasonable
   3)  Happiness ~ We can find happiness in this life
   4)  Progress ~ People and society can improve
   5)  Liberty ~ The law should protect us

We also watched a video clip from the movie Amadeus about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  The clip showed us a glimpse of the lives of "enlightened" people during the Age of Enlightenment, as well as their tastes in music. 


At the end of class, instructions were given out for tomorrow's "mini-project," which is an "advertisement" students will create to "persuade" people to join the Enlightenment.  The Essential Question is:  "What were the political and social views of the following Enlightenment thinkers:  Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau?"