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     Hello you guys!  Today we finished answering the Essential Question:  What were the causes & results of the Haitian Revolution?  To do this we...

          1 - Looked again at the slides from last Friday (Haiti's history)

          2 - Watched a video of a TV evangelist saying that Haitians "made a pact with the Devil" during their revolution.

          3 - Listened to the story of Haiti's "pact with the Devil" - the story of Voodoo high priest, Dutty Boukman's religious ceremony that started the Haitian Revolution.

          4 - Took a short quiz on the Haitian Revolution.

*Some people/terms to remember!
     - Toussaint L'Ouverture - The "George Washington" of Haiti... he started the revolution that freed Haiti from France.
     - Bourgeois - (pronounced "boor-JWA") people from the lower classes that are "movin' on up."  They often help start the revolutions, like in France and Haiti.
     - Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizens - France's "Bill of Rights" created after the French Revolution.  The French then shared this with the Haitians after the Haitian Revolution.