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     Hello guys!  Today we began our lesson on the American Revolution.  The Essential Question is:  What were the causes and results of the American Revolution?

To accomplish this, we will create a "flipbook" (next Monday) on the causes & results of America's Revolutionary War.  Today, we started this project by answering the following questions about the cause/result events of the war (which can ALL be found in the textbook on pages 641-645 ...or online)...

  - French & Indian War - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Stamp Act - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Taxation without representation - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Boston Tea Party - Why were Americans MAD about it?
  - Declaration of Independence - What did it do?
  - George Washington - What did he do for the revolution?
  - Checks & Balances (Republic) - What does it mean?
  - Federal System - How does it work?
  - Bill of Rights - What did do?

Were you ABSENT TODAY?? 
Answer the above questions and either turn them in tomorrow or email them to me tonight.  If you do not have a textbook, you can find all of these online.  Email me if you have questions!

Tomorrow, Mr. Kameika will be out of school at a conference.  The sub, Mr. Aytch, will have a movie for you guys to watch on the French Revolution.  Please be prepared to watch the movie and answer questions pertaining to it.  Have a good night!  :o)