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WEDNESDAY - August 11, 2010

   Hey people!  Today we answered the major question for this course:  "Is history important to learn?  If so, then why?"

Some of us gave good reasons, both for and against, but I think we all decided that it is important --at least some of it is!

Today we also watched a movie clip from the movie Chariots of Fire, took a quiz on some events from the clip, and discussed the movie as related to history.  We talked about how, like the movie clip, our lives are like being in the last 10 minutes of a movie.  If you don't know what happened in the beginning of the movie, how would you know what's going on, and what's going to happen?  Our lives are very similar.  What makes us who we are, how we behave, how we think, and where are we headed?  These things are, in many ways, determined by our history. 

After this, we worked on writing about our own history in the form of a poem called the "I am from" poem.  In this poem, each line begins with "I am from..." and you can write anything you want that relates to something that makes you who you are

     HOMEWORK!  Finish "I am from" Poem to turn in tomorrow.