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THURSDAY - August 12, 2010

   Hey you guys!  Today in class we answered these two Essential Questions

     1)  How does a timeline work?
     2)  What do "B.C." + "A.D." mean?

   In order to do this, we started with this bellringer:
.     .     .     .     .     .

     1)  Turn your paper sideways & draw a horizontal line.
     2)  Place the following dates/events where you think they go:

   - 2010                  - Your birthday               - Homo sapiens "emerge"
    - Year Zero (0)     - A parent’s B-Day          - Birth of Jesus of Nazareth
   - 120 B.C.            - Electricity harnessed       - Pyramids built in Egypt
   - 8000 B.C.          - Invention of the car        - Adam & Eve are born
.     .     .     .     .     .

Tomorrow I will post the correct version of this timeline.  PARENTS!  Try to see if you can do the timeline and then get your kids to grade your work!!! 

After this, we worked on coming up with ideas to answer tomorrow's Essential Question"What is a civilization?"  We did this by tracing a student on a big piece of paper and then writing inside the body things that make us "civilized," while on the outside of the body, we wrote things that make us "uncivilized."

HOMEWORK:  Review timeline for 10 minutes.  If you are not sure of something, or find you have a question, write it down and ask me tomorrow!