Contact Mr. Kameika:
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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


TUESDAY - August 10, 2010

  Hey guys!  Today we finished our "INFO CARDS,"  did a "Name Toss" (to remember each other's names and talk a little about the trials & tribulations of juggling school, life, etc.), and we finished with acting out and demonstrating the "right" and "wrong" ways to do the following 5 Major GIVE Procedures:

     1 - Morning Intake/Search
     2 - Silent Transition
     3 - Bathroom Break
     4 - Cafeteria Rules
     5 - Dismissal Process

  A few other things we learned about today were the following:

        * Tornado procedures (out in hall & duck/cover)
        * Fire Drill (use outside door of class to go to parking lot
            by gym)
        * Emergency Button (Press 1 time for office, 3 times for
        * Intruder Alert / Lockdown