Contact Mr. Kameika:
(Copy + Paste address into your email)
**Puede mandarme mensajes en espanol, si prefiere.

GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


MONDAY - August 9, 2010

   Welcome back guys!  Today we did the following:

      1)  Individual Greetings
      2)  Who is Mr. Kameika? (background, education, etc.)
      3)  Went over the syllabus (you can scroll down to download it)
      4)  Mr.K demonstrated the website (this one)
      5)  Went over Class Procedures
      6)  Filled out INFO CARDS (not all got to do this... scroll down)


       1- Have parent/guardian sign syllabus.  If you lost this,
           scroll down to yesterday's blog to click the icons and
           download it.

       2- Complete "INFO CARD."  If you lost this or did not get one
           you can click here below to download and print off.