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FRIDAY - August 13, 2010

   Happy Friday the 13th!  Today we answered the following Essential Questions: 

      1)  Who were Paleolithic people?
      2)  What was the Neolithic Revolution?
      3)  What are the 5 Facets of a Civilization?

   We started with our bellringer, which was basically 4 math problems related to yesterday's timeline.  If you were absent, go ahead and try them below!  (email me if you have a question... if you don't understand some of the words, look them up online!)
(click to make larger)

  After this, we answered the 1st and 2nd Essential Questions.  To answer them, you can click the chart below to see what we did in class.  We pretended we were Paleolithic People by going outside (except 5th period) to go looking for fresh water and choose how to find food, etc.

Finally, we answered the Essential Question about the 5 Facets of Civilization using the bubble chart below:

HOMEWORK:  Review what we learned today, as well as the timeline information from yesterday.  There may be a quiz on this information this week!  Hope you have a great weekend!