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TUESDAY - December 7, 2010

   Ciao!  (pronounced "chow" means "hello" in Italian!)  So, today we learned about The Renaissance, which took place in Italy during the 1300s.  To learn about the Renaissance, we turned the classroom into a "Renaissance Museum" and analyzed artwork, inventions, and literature from the time period to answer the following questions: 

   1)  What did the art and literature of the Renaissance show that people were focusing on now?
              Answer:  They were focused more on their individual selves.

   2)  What did Leonardo da Vinci focus his work on mostly?
             Answer:  The Human Body.

   3)  Why did the inventions of Galileo & Kepler bring them trouble with the Catholic Church?
            Answer:  They were explaining things with science rather than religion.

   4)  Why was the Printing Press such an important invention?
           Answer:  People could now copy books and documents instead of writing by hand.
              (click here to see video of Printing Press)

   Today's information piggy-backs on what we learned previously. 
Please follow the below "timeline" to refresh your memory:

   1)  Charlemagne, king of the Franks, forces most of Europe to become Catholic.
   2)  Charlemagne's sons create a feudal society after his death.
   3)  The feudal society forces Europe into the "Dark Ages."
   4)  Jerusalem is conquered by Muslims.
   5)  The Pope asks knights and kings to go to Jerusalem and kick out the Muslims.
   6)  The Crusades begin and Muslims are massacred from Turkey all the way to the Holy Land.
   7)  The Crusades are unsuccessful.
   8)  The Mongols take over most of Asia & Europe.
   9)  The Mongols take tribute (taxes) from the conquered peoples.
   10)  The Pax Mongolica is a time of peace during which the Mongols ruled everyone but kept peace in their empire.   By doing this, trade flourished in the world.
   11)  The Black Plague (Bubonic Plague) starts in Mongolia and kills 30-50% of the population from Asia to Europe.
   12)  Europe emerges from the Black Plague into the Renaissance, which means "rebirth."
   13)  The Renaissance is a time of new art, medicine, philosophy, and inventions... a time when people focus on their individual selves and there is more focus on science rather than religion.