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WEDNESDAY - December 8, 2010

   Guten Tag!  That means "Hello!" in German :O)   ...So, we learned about the Protestant Reformation, which started in Germany with a small-town Catholic priest named Martin Luther.  Father Martin was sick and tired of the rules of the Catholic Church and the selling of indulgences, which were certificates given to people if they paid money to the Church.  If they did this, they would get a certificate telling them that they were guaranteed passage to Heaven.... or at least that some of their sins would be forgiven.  Luther was also upset that the Church did not translate the Bible from Latin into the languages that people spoke. 

   Martin Luther breaks away from the Catholic Church and starts his own church... the Protestant Lutheran Church.  Here he says that you only need faith to be saved and enter Heaven.

   If you want to see the story of Martin Luther's life, you can start watching "Luther" by clicking here.

   The other 2 "breakaway churches" were the Calvinists and the Church of England.  Click the slides below to see them and why they split off: