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MONDAY - December 6, 2010

   Well hello!  So, today we reviewed last week's lessons on the Crusades (see slides with questions below), and then we learned about the Black Plague (or Black Death, or Bubonic Plague).  After the Crusades, Europeans began to trade much more with the rest of the world.  This caused European cities to grow and become much wealthier, but it also brought them in contact with... other things...

   To find out what happens, see the slide with the "movie questions" below, then please click on the video link to see what we watched in class.  After the clip is finished, you will have to find "clip 2" and then "clip 3," and so on, to finish the film. 

  Review Answers:  1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-B, 5-A, 6-D