Well hello! So, today in geography, we continued with our Essential Question: "How does geography affect culture & identity?" To do this, we finished looking at the PowerPoint of our "7 cultures" (see slides below) and we discussed the projects that we will begin tomorrow. You will choose only 1 out of a list of 10 projects choices. These projects are each about a different type of people somewhere in the world. Using the internet, you will research and create a small project on PowerPoint to show how the geography where these people live has made them who they are--Unique!
After this, we went to the Media Center and picked up our geography textbooks to take home.
Very niiiiice! So, today in world history, we started with our "Vocabulary Windows" to define the following 3 terms: Paleolithic People, Neolithic Revolution, and Neolithic People.
After this, we discussed and went over the instructions for our upcoming "Create a Civilization" Project (which we will start tomorrow.) See slides below for instructions/examples.