Well hello! So, today in geography, we were not able to go to the computer lab like we thought we would. SOOOO! We changed things up and, instead, we learned about Map Scale. This means that we were learning how to look at a map and tell how far apart and how big (or small) things are. If you were absent, follow the steps below, using a blank sheet of paper...
1) Draw a map of your route to your farthest class period from
Mr.Kameika's classroom. (draw both rooms, hallways, and
other doors that you pass along the way.)
2) Write the number of steps you think it takes to get down the
hallway to that other room. (basically, the distance)
3) "Walk" your map (count your normal paces, not feet.)
4) Now, re-draw your map on the back according to the correct
Well, hello! So, today in world history, we started our Civilization Projects (yay!) Click the slides below to see the scenarios, examples, and tasks to choose. Today, we chose our groups, tasks, and began rough drafts of our tasks.
(Keep these details in mind as you work on your task.) |
(Example of final product) |
(Tasks) |
(Great example of a Civ. Project from last year) |
(Civ. Project with some great work, and some incorrect. Can you spot what was not done properly?) |
(Civ. Project with 3-D "Advanced City") |
Guess who! |