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THURSDAY - January 27, 2011

   Well, hello hello!  So, today we started by finishing our South Sudan Charts + Presentations.  After that, we started our new lesson on the SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION.  Basically, we learned today about 4 scientists during the time period (some of them you may know), who set our current science knowledge into motion.  These men were:  Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Isaac Newton.

   First, we watched the following movie clip from the movie Contact.  BEFORE you watch it, think about the following question:  What happens to the music as you get farther away from Earth?

   How did you feel watching the clip?  Where does the Universe end?  Or do you think it continues?  And if it is still growing and neverending, then what is it growing into?  BIG questions! 

   So, the reason I'm asking these questions is because this is how the scientists of the Scientific Revolution felt.  After the Age of Exploration, many people began to realize that there were many things they still did not know about the world.  Absolute monarchs (kings/queens) gave people the money and education to pursue their questions in science.
   See the slides below to follow the sequence of events and see the ASSIGNMENT:  (The assignment is in the last slide and should be done on white printer paper.  You need your textbook or internet.)
