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WEDNESDAY - February 9, 2011

   Well hello!  So, today we learned about England's "Glorious Revolution" ...follow the list below to see what we did......

   1)  First we reviewed the following slides because we will have a quiz on Friday:

(Answers at bottom of today's blog)

   2)  After this, Mr.K opened the PowerPoint and started to tell the story of England's Glorious Revolution.  Click the slides below and read the stories to follow along....

*   *   *
* England was a very CATHOLIC Christian country for many years, until King Henry VIII came along and could not have a son.  He accused his wife, Queen Catharine of Spain, of purposely not giving him a son... and so, he divorced her.  Catharine went back to Spain and wrote a letter to the Pope in Rome complaining of the divorce.  Catholics CANNOT get divorced!  So, the Pope excommunicated King Henry VIII from the Catholic Church. 

That didn't stop Henry, though.  He created his own church.... the "Church of England" (known as the Episcopal or Anglican Churches today).  In this church, people could divorce.  Many many English people converted to this new Christian church.  King Henry had 5 more wives after Catharine, divorcing 3 of them and beheading the other 2.  Finally, in the end, Henry did not get a son, and he ended up re-marrying his original wife, Queen Catharine so they could grow old together.  True story :O)

 The next lady on the slide is Queen Mary I... "Bloody Mary"... you may have heard of her!  She was King Henry's first daughter, and was very Catholic.  She wanted England to return to being Catholic.  She persecuted many non-Catholics, and for the people who would disobey her, she made famous the phrase:  "Off with their heads!!!!" 

Queen "Bloody Mary's" son, King James, also persecuted many non-Catholics in England.  But by this time, the English people had had enough......

John Locke was a famous philosophe during this time in England.  He made the following quotes on the slide below.  Be sure to notice "TABULA RASA"... what do you think John Locke is saying about the people of England?  Is he warning them that they are in danger with "Tabula Rasa?"

After hearing of John Locke's ideas, a small rebellion (revolution) started ... but King James' army crushed it. The survivors went back to their villages and hid from the king's men.  A doctor named Dr. Peter Blood (not sure if he was real or not) cared for some of these wounded men, but he was imprisoned for this.  King James had Dr. Blood and the other prisoners sent to Jamaica in the Americas to work as slaves.  It was there that Dr. Blood and the other men escaped, hijacked a ship, and became pirates!....
    scroll up to see the rest of the story....

*Answers for "Kangxi, Tokugawa, Louis XIV" = C, D, B
*Answers for "Review for Friday's Quiz" = C, D, B