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WEDNESDAY - January 5, 2011

   Hello people!  Today we had our official 1st day of learning World History for the Spring Semester.  Please see below to see what we did... if you were absent, please look through it and complete any assignments before tomorrow, so you will be prepared! 
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First, who was Christopher Columbus, what did he do, and why did he do it? 
*Please analyze the picture below and look at the faces of the people in the painting. 
- What expressions do you see? 
- What do you think they are thinking?
**ASSIGNMENT- What do you think the painter saying about Columbus, the men, the priest, and the soldier(Write a short paragraph in which you describe your opinion) 

Christopher Columbus was a daring explorer who decided to sail WEST instead of EAST (like everybody else) to find a "quicker" route to India/Asia/etc. 
This was considered "suicide" becuase people thought the Earth was flat. 
But you know this already! 
So, the point is this:  Columbus was not just really an explorer... he was a businessman - an entrepreneur
Look at his picture again... you can almost see the $$ in his eyes!
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Take what you know about Columbus and fill in the speech bubble for the Indians below.  What do you think they probably said to him when they met him that day?  What might they say to him today?

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So, what happened in history to lead up to Columbus "discovering" America? 
Remember, history is a "domino effect," meaning that many things led up to this point.
See the flowchart below to see what "set up" Columbus' voyages:

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Columbian Exchange refers to the "trade" or "exchange" of new items between the "Old World" (Europe/Africa/Asia) and the "New World" (N/S America) after Columbus bridged the gap between them.
When Columbus arrived here, it was like an alien had landed.
For example, Indians (Native Americans) had never seen horses before and thought that a man riding a horse was actually 1 large and strange animal with a human head!
Click below to see some of the products that both sides gained from the so-called "Columbian Exchange."

NOW, please click on the slide below and see if you can determine what each item represents:
1)  Is it an original "New World" item?
2)  Is it an original "Old World" item?
3)  Is it a "Columbian Exchange" item?

(**ASSIGNMENT:  Please write your findings down on a sheet of paper to turn in!)