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MONDAY - January 24, 2011

   Hey guys!  So, today we learned about the absolute ruler, King Louis XIV, "The Sun King" of France.  We learned about how he built France into a fabulously wealthy world power.  To learn about him, we watched some videos and saw some PowerPoint slides.  See these below:

So, King Louis XIV had an interesting way of impressing people... he built the MOST EXPENSIVE and LARGEST palace in the world... the "Palace of Versailles" just outside of Paris.  It had over 1,000 rooms and the front yard was over 1 mile long.  See the videos & picture below...

Louis XIV had a STRANGE way of dealing with his competition -- the nobility (rich folks) of France.  He manipulated them by inviting them to live at his palace at Versailles.  If they did this, they got the chance to be recognized by the king and they hoped that he would then either marry their daughters or help them in their businesses.  Check out the videos below of Louis and his "friends..."

OMG!  Can you believe those people?!?!

Anyway, click below to see how Louis XIV changed France to make it powerful & rich.