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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


FRIDAY - January 21, 2011

   Hey guys!  So, today we finished learning about Feudal China & Feudal Japan.  To see what we did today, click the links below:
  1. Remember how we talked about the "artisans" in Feudal Japan?  They are very proud of their work and make sure they do things perfectly.  This still happens today in modern Japan.  Mr. Kameika brought around some JapanSee Japanese Christmas cards... click here to see some examples of them!  What's funny, though, is that most Japanese aren't even Christians.... they just like Christmas!
  2. We also learned how to bow Japanese style!  Click here to watch the video and remember that there are more than one ways to bow!
  3. So, why then are Japanese not Christians?  If you were absent today, click here for the Tokugawa Shogunate worksheet , complete it for Monday, and you will find out what the Shogun Tokugawa did to Japan and the Christian missionaries that were there.  THIS IS HOMEWORK!!
  4. ALSO HOMEWORK!!  If you did not finish or were absent, click here for the "QUIZ CHOICES."  Instructions:  Choose one of the 3 choices on the worksheet:  Haiku, Cartoon, or Create-a-Quiz.  Email me if you have any questions!
   Hope you have a good weekend  :O)