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WEDNESDAY - December 1, 2010

    Happy Chanukah!  Tonight is the first night of the Jewish candle festival of Chanukah (or Hanukkah)... you can ask me about this holiday in school, if you are interested! 

   Anyway, today we moved our learning north to Europe started a new lesson on the "Dark Ages" and the great emperor, Charlemagne (pronounced "SHAR-leh-main"... rhymes with "champagne").  Anyway, please see the movie clips and slides below to see what we did!

Charlemagne is a king in Europe during the "Dark Ages."
Watch the following video clip and see what the Dark Ages was like

 Why is Charlemagne's throne made of wood? 
Why would he choose this over a nicer throne?

Please answer these following questions AFTER watching the next clip on Charlemagne.

After Charlemagne died, his sons began to fight over the land and kingdom.  They became so paranoid of each other and of losing their power that they created a system of rule called feudalism, which the pyramid below will show you how it works.  This lasted in Europe up until just over 100 years ago.