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MONDAY-TUESDAY, Nov. 29-30, 2010

   Hello people!  For these two days, we've been finishing our studies on ancient Africa.  To do this, we studied the PowerPoint slides (below), watched a couple of videos, and had a lot of discussion.  After all this, we took a 6-question "mini-quiz" on Tuesday at the end of class.

   If you were absent, please see the slides and movie links below and study them as closely as possible.  You may still have some questions, because you were not in class for some of the information or stories I told... if you do, please ask me!  :O)

Study guide for quiz:

Who are the largest group of people? 
Why are the green and pink actually the fewest, even though they seem so large on the map?

Ancient African kingdoms were very wealthy & powerful... why? 
They had lots of gold, but they also controlled WHAT?  What can you tell from the map?

 The king of Ghana was a wise economist... he kept the price of gold HIGH by....?

Europeans & others learned of Mansa Musa's wealth when he went on his....?

What did the Songhai & Mali empires achieve?  What were their legacies?