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THURSDAY - November 11, 2010

   Jambo!  That's how people say "hello" in Africa when speaking Swahili  :O)

   Anyway, today we started our AFRICA unit... however, first we reviewed Islam and learned about Ibn Sina, a famous Muslim doctor and scientist who contributed many things we use today.  First, to review, we attempted to answer the following 3 questions related to ISLAM:

(Answers are at the bottom of today's blog)

   After that, we analyzed the following picture of Ibn Sina.  To do this, Mr.K explained that Ibn Sina is in his study (his lab) and is surrounded by things that he loved to do and study and research.  How many things can you find that demonstrate what he loved to study and what he contributed to society...???

   Finally, we started AFRICA.  To do this, Mr.K showed us the slides below and explained how the ancestors of African-Americans were mostly from the west coast of Africa, which is where mainly BANTU people live.  The Bantu people are the ones we will be studying these next few days.  However, we went a little "farther back" today by looking at the OLDEST people in Africa, the Khoisan, who have a very unusual way of speaking.  Please click the videos below to see them.  They are mostly only found in South Africa and Namibia, today.

     1)  South African girls speak Xhosa (a Khoisan language) at school.
     2)  South African man teaches tourist to speak Khoisan language.
     3)  Meeting the Khoisan people.

   African continent                  Faces of people in Africa

   Answers to review quesitons:  D, B, C