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FRIDAY - November 12, 2010

   Yo Manymak!  Yo Manymak means "hello" in the West African language of the Yoruba people.  Most African-Americans are descendents of the Yoruba, by the way :O)

   Anyway, today we started our mini-projects on the kingdoms & empires of ancient AFRICA.  These must be finished by the beginning of the period NEXT TUESDAY.  You will be presenting this to the class, so be sure to make it no more than a 5-10 minute presentation. 

   To do this, we started doing the following:

  • We each chose a kingdom from the map to the right (do NOT choose Egypt). 
  • We started a PowerPoint presentation following the steps below:

     If you are really good with PowerPoints, you can embed videos and music to your presentation, if you want!