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MONDAY - May 2, 2011

   Hey guys!  Today everyone did really well in class, so, congrats on being awesome!  Today we did 3 things...
     1)  Einstein's "Theory of Relativity"

            - Explanation of the theory (SEE MR.KAMEIKA!)
            - How do we SEE images and each other?
            - Who is right?... us, or the bumble bee?  (click here!)
            - Relativity VIDEO - speed of light and time travel (click!)

     2)  "Mini-Quiz" - we reviewed the following questions:

    • Why did so many nations object to Germany’s use of U-boats in WWI?
    • Why did Germany oppose the Treaty of Versailles after WWI?
    • Sigmund Freud is known as the “father” of ___.
    • Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity states that space & time are basically ____.
      3)  The RUSSIAN Revolution

               - We read a short story (click here)
               - Filled out the "P.I.R.C. Chart" on the back
               - Discussed our findings