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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


TUESDAY-->WEDNESDAY (March 2-4, 2011)

   ¡Hola!  These 3 days we will be working in groups to learn about the Revolutions of Latin American countries.  To do this, each group will do the following:

   1)  Read a story about a revolution from Latin America.
               *(scroll down for links to these stories)

   2)  Create a "P.I.R.C. Chart" for your revolution on paper.

   3)  Create a PowerPoint using the PIRC Chart notes including:

          a)  4 slides (P - I - R - C)
          b)  Transfer your notes from each column onto the correct
                slide.  BUT!  Do not use words!  USE ONLY IMAGES.
          c)  When you teach this to the class, the class will have to
                guess what you mean through your use of pictures.

Click below for your
Latin American revolution story:

   Also!!!  Don't forget our "Race & Class in Latin America Pyramid" below and understand the terms of the pyramid!