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TUESDAY - March 15, 2011

   Hello there!  So, today began by finishing up the Industrial Revolution and Capitalism.  To do this, we "re-thought" our "business/career plans" from yesterday by using Adam Smith's 3 Essential Laws of Capitalism: 

     1)  Law of Supply & Demand (you must supply what clients demand!)
     2)  Law of Competition (how will you win over your competitors?)
     3)  Law of Self-Interest (how far are you willing to go?)

   Click the slide below to see the instructions for this particular assignment.


   After this, we discussed a lot of people's ideas and argued about "Law of Self-Interest" regarding "how far is too far" when trying to make money and win over your competition.  Some answers were surprising!

   Finally, we discussed IMPERIALISM.  This is when workers here and in Europe began to demand more money and the gov't started to make businesses do things like pay minimum wage.  Companies began to move to poor countries so that they could pay workers low wages again.  Eventually, these companies began to take over the countries where they were doing business.  This is imperialism.  Please follow the next 2 steps and then click below to do the imperialism assignment. 

   Imperialism Assignment:

        1)  Number your paper 1-10
        2)  Put 2-3 spaces between numbers.
        3)  Click here to analyze the cartoons and answer the questions.