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MONDAY - February 14, 2011

   Happy Valentine's Day!  So, today we did the following:

   1)  Passed back & reviewed the quizzes from last Friday.  The average grade for ALL CLASSES was a 92.5 ~ Great Job!!!

   2)  Glorious Revolution review - we reviewed this revolution using the following slide (below).  See if you can figure out what the pictures are "saying"...?

   3)  AMERICAN REVOLUTION:  Remember that everything in history is a "Domino Effect!"  So, since England had a revolution AND it "owned" the United States, then we decided to have a little revolution of our own.....

      To learn about this, we used the textbook (pp. 640-641) to find "problems" that the American colonists (our ancestors) had with England.  After discussing some of these problems, we watched a video clip from the movie The PatriotClick here for this clip and be sure to watch until the end of it!