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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


TUESDAY - October 5, 2010

   Hey guys!  Tomorrow is our TEST on Ancient Greece!  If you plan on doing well on this test, please make sure you are familiar with the vocabulary & concepts listed below:

  • Athens (culture & politics/gov't)
  • Sparta & its Military
  • Art during the "Golden Age" or "Classical Age"
  • Geography & its impact on Greek culture & politics
  • Persians (Darius, Xerxes)
  • Pythagoras
  • Philosophy
  • "Golden Age" of Greece 
  • Democracy
  • Oligarchy
  • Socrates
  • Plato
  • Tyranny
  • Acropolis
  • Delian League
  • Pericles
  • Polytheistic
  • Darius
  • Alexander the Great (and the spread of democracy)

  Today, we did the following:

     1)  Compared/contrasted Archaic Greece with Classical Greece
     2)  Played "GREECE JEOPARDY" to review for the test tomorrow

   Email me if you have questions!!!  :O)