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TUESDAY+WEDNESDAY - October 26+27, 2010

   Sup!  So, today we began to really answer the following Essential Question:

    * EQ:  What are the reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire?

To do this, we watched a short clip on Emperor Constantine's battle to re-take Rome from the evil emperor Maxentius (CLICK HERE TO WATCH). 
Take note of the beliefs of the various different Romans as well as the behavior of the soldiers.

Next, we began to fill out a guided notes sheet, which has pictures and a story about the fall of Rome.  Click here for that sheet and see how many you can fill out on your own.

When you are filling it out, use the word banks below to help you!


Palestine     Coliseum     Vote     Bad
Israel       Arches      Pax Romana        Constantine
Diaspora          Concrete         Pagans
Jerusalem              Republic        Persecution
Temple           Representatives        Cross


Greek      Constantinople       Voting        Serfs        Eastern
Latin          Eastern        Army        Byzantine        Paying
Eastern         Bread          illegal         Barbarians         Loyalty
Rome          Circuses        taxes         Western