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FRIDAY + MONDAY - October 15, 2010

   Well hello!  So, Mr. Kameika was out today (Friday), but the sub, Mr. Hilbun, passed out a sheet to work on.  Please click here for the sheet, if you don't have it.  You will need your textbook for this (although, you could look stuff up online, if you're pretty internet savvy). 

   This worksheet is a way to pack in a lot of information from a lot of our new topics.  We have just covered the Roman Republic & the Roman Empire, and now we are learning about how a new religion (Christianity) uses the Roman Empire to become the most influential religion on Earth.  Our big Essential Questions for today were:

     1)  What are the differences & similarities between Christianity & Judaism?
     2)  Why did the Romans & Jewish high priests decide to kill Jesus?
     3)  How did Judaism & Christianity spread out of the "Holy Land?"
     4)  How did Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?