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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


TUESDAY - September 28, 2010

   Hey guys!  Today we focused on 2 vocabulary terms:  Democracy & Oligarchy.  Please look at the slides & links below to see how we did this!
   ALSO, remember that this weekend is the Atlanta Greek Festival (click to go to website for info/directions).  If Mr. Kameika sees you there on Saturday, he will pay you back your entrance fee of $5.00!

   First, we defined DEMOCRACY using the slide below and creating a 4-part definition using our "definition windows."

   Second, watched this movie clip to see some democracies in action in real life.  Why do you think these could be democracies?!  Think of all the different opinions that come together when anyone can be voted in to office :o)

   Third, we defined OLIGARCHY using this slide below.  See if you can figure out what the people in the 2 cartoons represent...!

   Finally, we used the next slide to discuss some real-life oligarchies.  See if you can figure out who the president is in the top picture... who do you think the "rich powerful guys" are who support him and tell him what to do...!