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THURSDAY - September 30, 2010

   Hey guys!  Today we started class by taking a short, 6-question quiz.  After that, we started our lesson on Greek Philosophy!  We did this by defining "philosophy," learning about Socrates (pronounced "SOCK-ra-teez"), and trying out Socratic Method.  Here's how we did it:

   So, first we defined philosophy:

     1)  "philos" = love
     2)  "sophos" = wisdom/knowledge

   Next, Mr. Kameika passed around a sheet (click here to download) and we looked at 7 "real-life" questions/statements people make to each other.  We imagined how we would react to these and then wrote down "our response" to this situation.

   Then, we read the top of the sheet about Socrates' life and talked about his most famous quote:  "I am the wisest man alive; for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."  Some of us thought this was stupid, but look at it again a little deeper and see what you think!

   After this, we watched the first 5 minutes of a video on Socrates' way of getting people to "think for themselves" (this video is no longer available on YouTube- sorry).  We saw how Socrates got people to think by answering their questions with questions.  This drove people crazy, but it made him famous and people thought of him as extremely wise. 

   Finally, we went back to our sheets and re-answered the 7 questions/statements using Socratic Questioning.  Please email me if you have questions!!