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     Hey you guys!  Today we finished answering the Essential Questions:  What is the difference between Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism? + What was the influence of the writings of Karl Marx and Adam Smith? 

     To do this, Mr. Kameika talked about Karl Marx starting the ideas of Communism, and passed around copies of his two famous books: The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital ("The Capital").  We then discussed the "Political Spectrum" to see where people stand depending on their political, social, and economic viewpoints.  Click on the image below to enlarge this and study it:

     After this, we all watched the projector screen and took a "quiz" to determine where we all stood according to our beliefs about certain issues.  To take the quiz, click here.  To see where you stand politically, socially, and economically, click and enlarge the diagram below!  :o)