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MONDAY + TUESDAY - MARCH 15/16, 2010

     Hey you guys!  Tomorrow is our QUIZ on revolutions of Latin America.  Today and yesterday, we finished our cartoon activity on the revolutions and we reviewed for tomorrow's quiz.  If you were not here today, below you will find the quiz study guide and "hints" for you (click on the slides to enlarge).

     Revolution QUIZ – Study Guide

          1) Know the meaning + hierarchy of:

               a.  Peninsulares, Creole, Mestizo, Mulatto, African, Indian (click pix below)

          2) Know the liberators of: 

               a.  Haiti, Gran Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico (click pix below)

          3) Be able to answer:

                    a.  Why do people have revolutions?
                    b.  Why were the Haitian and Brazilian revolutions different from the other