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TUESDAY + WEDNESDAY ~ March 8+9, 2011

   Helloooo!  So, Tuesday was a weird day because Mr.K was out of class from 1st-4th periods doing Gateway testing in Building E. 

   Anyway, so if you were in these periods, you went to Mr. Stober's room and worked (in pairs if you wanted to) on figuring out questions from an old final exam that Mr.K used last year.  The questions were from the first half of that final... that's because, right now, we are halfway thru the semester!  So, Mr.K wanted you guys to see how well you would do answering those questions.  Then, you would grade yourself, by checking your answers (scroll down for those answers), and use a calculator to figure out your grade (# correct / 39).

1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C, 6-B, 7-C, 8-B, 9-C, 10-D, 11-C, 12-C,
13-B, 14-A, 15-C, 16-C, 17-C, 18-B, 19-A, 20-B, 21-A,
22-C, 23-A, 24-B, 25-C, 26-B, 27-A, 28-A, 29-C, 30-D,
31-C, 32-C, 33-B, 34-C, 35-A, 36-D, 37-D, 38-A, 39-C
    On WEDNESDAY, the people who were Gateway testing on Tuesday NOW took the "fake practice final thingie" and everybody else began to learn about the Industrial Revolution.  Our Essential Question was:  What were the results of the Industrial Revolution?  So, we started by looking for inventions of the Industrial Revolution in the textbook (pp. 714-722 and 830-833.)  After that, we wrote down the following about each of them:

       1) Possible "Good" Results of this Invention.
       2) Possible "Bad" Results of this Invention.

   Scroll down for a picture of a graph we did in 1st period of several of these.