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WEDNESDAY - February 2, 2011

   Bonjour!  That's "hello" in French, BTW :O)  So, today we did 5 vocabulary words and watched a movie clip from the film, Amadeus, about the life of crazy music composer Amadeus Mozart.  Remember we are still learning about the Age of ENLIGHTENMENT... so please keep that in mind when doing your definitions and watching the movie clip...

   Assignment:  For each of the following terms, complete the "Vocabulary Window" using the sheet found here. 

      1)  Economy
      2)  Agriculture
      3)  Enlightenment
      4)  Reason
      5)  Philosophe (no "r" at the end of this word!)

   Next, before you watch the movie clip (click here to watch), PLEASE FAST FORWARD to the Party Scene  AND think of the following questions while you're watching it:

    - Which people in the party are "enlightened philosophe-types?"
    - Which people are the "old fashioned" or "sacred circle-types?"
    - What do you think Mozart and the others are saying about the
       their Enlightenment by mocking Salieri?