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GIVE's Website: GIVE Center West


THURSDAY - February 17, 2011

   Hello!  So, today Mr.K was absent, but we started our new lesson on the French Revolution, which is a pretty exciting one, if I do say so myself!  If you missed today, please OPEN and PRINT the "P.I.R.C. Chart" here. 

   Then, click on the video link here for History Channel: The French Revolution.  (When this clip finishes, click on "part 2," and then "part 3," and so on)... 

   While watching the movie, try to fill out as many things as you can in your "PIRC Chart."  Remember there will be a quiz tomorrow on the following:

   - Glorious Revolution of England
   - American Revolution
   - French Revolution (just a little bit)
   - Vocabulary terms (to date)