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FRIDAY - September 3, 2010

   Hey guys!  I haven't gotten home yet to finish this blog, but I wanted to give you the answer to the riddle! 


   -A man turns out the light and goes to sleep.
   -He wakes up the next morning and reads the paper.
   -He is shocked by what he reads and kills himself.
       *What was in the paper???

    ANSWER:  The key phrase here is "turns off the light."  The man lives in a lighthouse.  When he wakes up the next morning and reads that there has been a shipwreck due to the lighthouse being out and many people died.  He then realizes what he has done and kills himself ;o)

  *  *  *  *  * 
So, today we finished learning about the Indus Valley Civilization... you can find the slides here below: